Routine Non-Urgent
An appointment with a GP or Nurse can be made by telephoning the surgery between 10.00 and 5.45 Mon-Fri.
Please try to arrive a few minutes early or let us know in good time if you need to cancel.
Should you wish to make a routine appointment for a particular GP you will need to state this when speaking with the Receptionist.
Urgent Problems
Urgent Problems are dealt with by the Practice Triage system. You must ring before 11am. The Clinician will assess the degree of urgency and most appropriate means of dealing with your problem. This could be advice on self-care, an appointment with the nurse or an appointment with a GP.
- Please be considerate of others when assessing the urgency of your needs.
- Indicate to the receptionist that your problem is urgent for that day.
- A Clinician will then call you back.
If an urgent appointment is required it may not necessarily be the GP you wish to see but the GP who is covering urgent calls on that day.
Car Parking
Patient car parking is available to the rear of the surgery which is accessible via Thorne Road. This is strictly for patient use whilst attending the surgery.